

Here's a little preview! I can not wait to show all of you, especially Tania (mommy) & Lashley (daddy) what more is to come! I had an absolute blast yesterday at our shoot! It was filled with so much creativity, uniqueness, and most importantly LAUGHTER! Thanks you two!


Ditto Details

I absolutely love photographing objects & the details!


My sis & I

We attended a high school friend's wedding a few weekends ago! My sis was one of her bridemaid's (and was so pretty..of course). I got some really cute shots and totally couldn't resist sneaking in my tiny pocket camera. I'm addicted...
Here's what I managed to snap!


Candice & Ryan

Our downtown 'detour' session was so dramatic and adventurous! Now when you stop traffic you know your creating a statement. Candice totally ROCK IT! Ok...Ryan was dashing too! I am so happy with every goofy, crazy, in the moment shot! Hope you enjoy all the colors, textures, and found objects...ohh and the DREAM CAR that drove by!


It's Me!

So I just got this photo sent to me by Michelle, a fellow photographer friend. It was taken while we waited for our models to change clothing. I thought it came out quite cute...especially since I have never seen a picture of me with my glasses on (which are new by the way). Thanks Chica!


Tucson Poppies!

On this past Sunday Eric & I got out to site see all over Tucson! Our main mission though was to capture the yellow & orange poppies that were popping up throughout the Tucson Mountains. We started our drive at 'Gates Pass' and then made the curve around to 'Picture Rocks'...this is where all the magic was happening! Here's what we saw...AMAZING...


I found some more...

I am now on a mission to find something odd at every site I do a shoot at! Here's two from last weeks interior space.


White Sox Win 12-8

Today Eric & I were able to go to a spring training game!!! Opening weekend White Sox vs. DBacks. Here's a few photos I took with my itsy bitsy pocket camera. The weather was an AMAZING 82 degrees! We got so lucky and were in the shade the whole time. Can't wait to go to another game!

Love this one...it's my "duh" face!