
Stinkin' Birthday!

Another year has passed and boy did it FLY by. Today is my 26th BIRTHDAY!!! My husband surprised me with these wonderfully wrapped SUPER DUPER too cute to open gifts. He always out does himself every year. Maybe one year it'll be a huge bright red bow on top of a car! Ok maybe not but a girl can dream can't she? I think I would rather like to get camera equipment or some *sweet* trip to travel for weeks & weeks. I'll have to put that on the list of things to do sometime in the next century. Though this birthday feels kinda weird... kinda makes me feel more adultish (which isn't even a word). Everything is coming more & more into prospective and now I want to accomplish so many more goals. I've already taken on more then I can handle but hey that's I guess what I LIVE for. I get so bored and easily. I can't wait to see what the crazy future has to hold for me! I can say though that with every year that passes by I am so amazed by all the wonderful little surprises that have come my way. I now believe things all happen for a reason and that they can't be too planned or forced... but maybe I can push them along to kick start another ROCKIN year!


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh pretty presents. Bonus points to the hubby! Happy birthday C - love ya! ~M

Anonymous said...

One day soon....I'll give you all that in one shot!

Anonymous said...

eric is such a sweetheart. can i order me one of him :) he. he.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I just came across your blog and I'm loving your photography style! I recently started my own photography biz and i agree it's so nice to do what you love! Kudos to you and beautiful photos!