
Just foolin' around... sounds kinky but it's not!

So I just bought the Canon 50mm 1.2 from my friend Dave Harvey (you rock) & I immediately knew I had to do some creative shots.  I'm always keeping my eye out for nifty little trinkets that will make wickedly cool 'RING' shots.  I have some more up my sleeve and are holding out until the perfect couple & rings come along.  Any how I found these simple, clear napkin holders... yes that's right I said napkin holders.  You know when you're having a dinner party and roll up the cloth napkins and use some sort of decorative holder.  Yep these freakin cute beauties are from Z Gallery... gosh I love that place and can't wait to get all the hip accessories I've been eye ballin' for my house.  Also for the backdrop I used a textured placemat... that's it.  I collect those too just for simple details & for my shoot sac. The soft lighting is just from a near by window & shot with my 20D.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What cool shots - I love these!! So comtemporary and fresh!