
Little Sweet Sadie

Today I the pleasure and HONOR to be present for the 'after delivery' of little Sadie Lynn Hatch!!! Born 1:55 p.m. weighing 7.5 lbs. As some of you might know Tania & Lashley (the new proud parents) have been friends of mine for quite sometime. Tania and I first met each other at a local portrait studio where we both worked as photographers. As we ventured into our own photo journeys I was able to help capture those important moments that happened in Tania's life...since she wasn't able to photograph her own wedding & maternity. And now her 1st baby!!! Ohh and they plan on having lots. Her husband Lashley is 1 of 7 kids!!! While in the delivery room I asked him how many children they plan on bringing into this world? Well he first said 10!!! But then laughed and said 4 to 5. Still that's quite the family. All I can say is WOW...and that I am so excited that I got the new nickname of AUNTIE CASIA! Here's some sneak peeks to hold ya over...

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